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Dayak Ethnic Baby Bathing Bowl

Dayak Ethnic Baby Bathing Bowl

Mtazamo Photography

Dayak Ethnic Baby Bathing Bowel

The Dayak (Dajak, Dyak, or Dayuh)
One of the native groups of Borneo, Malaysia.
Note the hornbill bird (Bucerotidae) configuration.

The National Museum of Malaysia. My visit: 6 June 2023.

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Kek Lok Si Temple Tiger Year

Kek Lok Si Temple Tiger Year

Tiger Year 2022, Kek Lok Si Temple. In Chinese culture, the tiger is the symbol of bravery, wisdom, strength; considered brave, cruel, forceful, and terrifying, they are also extremely competitive people, known for their courage, are ambitious, like to help others, and also seek…

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Street Art Malaysia

Street Art Malaysia

Unfortunately, some original images of street art in George Town have failed the test of time and weather conditions, are now worn and faded. While others were painted over and, in some instances, replaced by new images. In addition, images of an enormous size…

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Cape Town Bus Service

Cape Town Bus Service

MyCiti is the Cape Town bus rapid transit service with feeders that forms a part of a greater Integrated City Public Transport system. The transportation system is being rolled out across the Cape Metropole that provides a significantly enhanced public transport service…

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© 2021 Mtazamo Photography | Creative Space | All Rights Reserved

Bahrain National Museum

Bahrain National Museum

Mtazamo Photography



Bahrain National Museum, Manama, Bahrain (4 March 2023)

Articles | Blog Posts

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Quiet Morning

Quiet Morning

Quiet Morning. Apartment Building. Penang, Malaysia (7am, 20 Jan 2024). Earth has not anything to show more fair: Dull would he be of soul who could pass by, A sight so touching in its majesty: This City now doth, like a garment, wear – The beauty of the morning … ⎯Wordsworth

Kahlil Gibran Lebanese Poet

Kahlil Gibran Lebanese Poet

The infamous Kahlil Gibran, Lebanese, poet states that “Knowledge of the self is the mother of all knowledge. So it is incumbent on me to know my self, to know it completely, to know its minutiae, its characteristics, its subtleties, and its very atoms”.

Leaf Imprint on Asphalt

Leaf Imprint on Asphalt

Leaf imprint on asphalt captured at the Polo Grounds, George Town, Pulau, Penang on 20 Dec 2023. Asphalt is a petroleum-like material that exists in both a viscous and a more solid state. This means that it can be heated, spread, smoothed, and hardened—characteristics…

© 2021 Mtazamo Photography | Creative Space | All Rights Reserved

Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia

Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia

Mtazamo Photography

Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia

Quran and Manuscript Gallery

The development and the emergence of the different Arabic script styles are highlighted in this gallery through the display of the earliest Qur’anic folios on vellum to the most exquisitely illuminated Qur’an inscribed by distinguished Muslim calligraphers.

View Recent Gallery Work

The Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia was established in December 1998 as a response to growing worldwide interest in Islamic art. Reflecting this awareness, Malaysia became home to Southeast Asia’s most prominent museum dedicated to being a custodian, collector, preserver, and educator of Islamic art. Thye aim is to create a collection that is truly representative of the Islamic world, with an emphasis on Southeast Asia. Among the many distinctive attractions are the India, China and Malay World galleries.

Central Juma Mosque

The Central Duma Mosque is located in Makhachkala, previously known as Petrovskoye and Port-Petrovsk, or by the local Kumyk name of Anji, is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Dagestan in Russia.

Mtazamo Blog

Peacock the Sentinel

Peacock the Sentinel

Peacock the Sentinel. The peacock symbolism represents beauty, grace, renewal, and spiritual awakening. The peacock is native to India, Asia, and Central Africa, where various tales give it deep significance. Peacocks symbolize beauty, as they have vivid feathers pleasing to the eye. The rich colors…

Arabesque Exhibition

Arabesque Exhibition. The arabesque is characterised by intricate scrolls of bifurcating stylised leaves that embellished many objects that were produced within the Islamic world. It is one of the main Islamic decorative repertoire,…

Street Abstract

This street abstract is a portrayal of ‘guess work’ because it represents little, if anything, visible or recognisable in the real-world context; as its beauty depends on and comes through one’s vivid imagination, therefore, to reveal itself as a primary gift.

Lady Cook

Lady Cook. As I explored the environs of El Wak Stadium, Accra, Ghana, site of the Dec 2023 AfroFuture music festival, this lady, taking a break from food preparation, caught my attention. Revealed is a face that reflects the inner beauty of the one on which it rests.

Arabesque Exhibition

Arabesque Exhibition

Arabesque Exhibition. The arabesque is characterised by intricate scrolls of bifurcating stylised leaves that embellished many objects that were produced within the Islamic world. It is one of the main Islamic decorative repertoire,…

Street Abstract

Street Abstract

This street abstract is a portrayal of ‘guess work’ because it represents little, if anything, visible or recognisable in the real-world context; as its beauty depends on and comes through one’s vivid imagination, therefore, to reveal itself as a primary gift.

Lady Cook

Lady Cook

Lady Cook. As I explored the environs of El Wak Stadium, Accra, Ghana, site of the Dec 2023 AfroFuture music festival, this lady, taking a break from food preparation, caught my attention. Revealed is a face that reflects the inner beauty of the one on which it rests.

Orang Asli Muzium Gombak Malaysia

Orang Asli Muzium Gombak Malaysia



Minority Rights




Orang Asli

Gombak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

When people in general talk about Orang Asli, they seem to think of them as one group of people, who share the same language and culture. This is far from reality. They are of different major linguistic stocks: Austroasiatic and Austronesian. The former being identified with languages on mainland Asia which are known as the Mon-Khmer family, found in Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. The latter is spread mainly in the Malay Archipelago and the islands of the Pacific.

Malaysian Orang Asli have been placed in categories along with the line of anthropology which offers three main groups: Negritos, Senoi and Porto-Malays; adopted and used officially by the government.

Day Visited: 18 Oct 2022

Orang Asli (original people) is a Malay term currently in use for small ethnolinguistic groups living on mainland Malay Peninsular and the islands around it, and is a direct translation of the English word aborigines.

The Orang Asli Community

The Orang Asli community in Malaysia can be divided into three main ethnic groups: Negrito, Senile, and Porto Malay. The Negrito is mostly found inhabiting the northern and easter parts of Peninsular Malaysia. They represent three percent of the total number of Orang Asli population in the country. They make their homes on the foothills of the Titiwangsa Range in the middle of Peninsular Malaysia. This group is divided further into a number of sub-ethnic groupings such as: Kensiu, Kintak, Jahai, Lanoh, Mendriq, and Bateq. They are are nomadic and gathering juice produce.

The ethnic Senoi makeup the largest group and possess characteristics similar to the Melanesian, Austroloid, and Nest. In terms of physical statue, they are slightly taller than the ethnic Negrito, with curly hair, and lighter skin. This ethnic group represents fifty-five percent of the total number of Orang Asli population in the Peninsular and can be divided into two big groupings: Senoi Temiar in the north and Senoi Semai in the south. They practice hunting, shifting agriculture and seeking out jungle produce such as rattan and the gaharu wood.

The Proto Malay inhabits the southern parts of the Peninsular. They migrated from Yunnan (southern China) to the peninsular about 5000 years ago, making Johor their place of residence. This group represents almost forty-two percent of the Orang Asli community the country. Fishing is their main source of livelihood, with products from the sea being their main food staple.

United Nations
For Indigenous People

Welcoming the fact that indigenous peoples are organizing themselves for political, economic, social and cultural enhancement and in order to bring to an end all forms of discrimination and op- pression wherever they occur,…
Convinced that control by indigenous peoples over developments affecting them and their lands, territories and resources will enable them to maintain and strengthen their institutions, cul- tures and traditions, and to promote their devel- opment in accordance with their aspirations and needs,…

Contact Us

(603) 61878786


24 Jalan Pahang, Gombak
53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Visit Us

Saturday to Thursday: 0900 AM – 1700 PM
Friday: Closed
Weekends & Public Holidays: Open

Orang Asli Museum

Mtazamo Museum Photographic Exhibitions

Mtazamo Museum Photographic Exhibitions

Artistic Expression

Age of Transition

Mtazamo Museum

Mtazamo Museum Photographic Exhibitions is an ongoing series of exhibitions housed within its museum. Featured are poignant photographs that appeal to the need for a conscious reality of the oneness of humankind. Our desire is to encourage artistic expression in ways that manifest one’s will to photographically explore the implications of global justice in this age of humanity’s transition to a new era, one filled with new understandings.

Budapest, Hungary, 1983.

Page Under Development

Photographic Exhibitions

Contemporary Art

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Global Justice

“International relations theory (IR) has traditionally been overly concerned with global (dis)order. Global justice scholars have contributed to widening the scope of IR theory by shifting the focus to individuals, on a planetary scale, and thereby approaching problems of global cohabitation in a new way. Yet despite signs of progress in academia, states seem to be more focused on managing conflict, distrust and disorder than on reaching global agreements and treating one another fairly. For that reason, global justice as an issue has been under-represented in policy and global justice scholarship has not yet reached the same prominence as mainstream IR theories such as realism or liberalism. Nevertheless, in times of transnational terrorism, rising global inequalities, migration crises, pandemic disease and climate change – considerations of global cooperation, fairness and justice are more important than ever.”

—Alix Dietzel, Lecturer in Global Ethics, University of Bristol, United Kingdom.

Creative Space | Conceptualisation

Open Continuously

Conceptualizing is the process that sets the tone for the entire photo-undertaking. Once a concept has been established, plans and details help ensure the final product achieves expected results.

Inspired by the Future

Open Continuously

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Patterns and Styles

Open Continuously

New phenomena resulting from the challenges encountered by rebuilding human personalities, societal patterns and norms that reflect the pernicious nature of marketing strategies.

Sculpture: Bahrain International Airport (7 Mar 2023)

Tower: Penang Island, Malaysia (22 Sep 2022)

Lamp: Islamic Museum of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (11 Jan 2022)

Ongoing Exhibits

(Page Under Construction)

Budapest & the Hungarian Countryside, 1983


“We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.” – Anaïs Nin

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Labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

Spirituality: Core
Human Operative


Our actions that reflect the nobility and integrity endowed by every human being.

Featured Exhibits

Orientalist Paintings


Reclaiming the heritage that reveals much about the Islamic past.

African Antiquity (Egypt)


The prime significance of African history becomes manifest when acknowledged.

Malesuada Posuere Nulla


Eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

Visionary Portfolios

Abstract Encounters

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab

Feugiat Aliquet Dui

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab

Feugiat Aliquet Dui

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque

Mtamazo Museum

Artistic Expressions

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Genadendal Historical Town

Genadendal Historical Town


All photographs displayed here of The Genadendal Mission Museum, some of its internal displays, Genadendal buildings, and the surrounding area were taken by me, the author/photographer, during my visit on 30 Dec 2013. Genadendal is included as a part of my continuing project to both record and make available images of little-known museums I’ve had the opportunity to visit. Additional information was gleamed from several websites linked below.

Genadendal History

The Genadendal Mission Museum

Be transported back in time and get a glimpse of what life was like hundreds of years ago. The museum is located on the site of the original mission station and consists of various buildings that were used since the mission was established. The buildings were declared a National Monument in 1980 and contain exhibits telling the story of Genadendal.

The Khoikhoi

The word “Khoisan” is the collective name given to describe two separate indigenous groups of the South Western regions of Africa, namely the Khoi (aka Khoe) who were herders and the San who were hunter-gatherers. The Khoikhoi (aka Khoekhoe) were scattered throughout the region into various tribes, each led by a traditional chief.

The Genadendal Mission Station

The Genadendal Mission Station was initially established on 23 April 1738 when Georg Schmidt, a Moravian Church missionary, together with a small group of Khoikhoi, set up the first mission station at what was then called Baviaanskloof (Valley of Baboons).

Slide 1

Welcome to Genadendal

Slide 2

Entering Genadendal

Slide 3

View from the Hill Top

Slide 4

Genadendal Church (1891-1893)

Slide 5

View from inside the Church

Slide 6

Out Building

Slide 7

Artifacts Building

Slide 8

Education Display

Slide 9

Education Display

Slide 10

A Modern Woman Display

Slide 11

The History of Photography

Slide 12

Bed and Bath

Slide 13

Trades and Crafts

Slide 13

Saws and Drilling Tools

Slide 14

Newspaper History in South Africa

Slide 15

Renner Printing Machine

Slide 16

Printing Press

Slide 17

Fire Emergency Pump

Slide 18

Miller Organ

Slide 19

Farming Tools

Slide 20

Good by! Have a safe journey.

Isaac Balie - Curator at Genadendal Museum

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