Egyptian Museum Cairo Egypt
Egyptian Sarcophagi
Visit to the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt
November 5, 2024
I arrived in Cairo from Malaysia via Dubi on 3rd Nov 2024 for a seven day stay and participate in the UN World Urban Conference, which was occurring at the Cairo, Egypt Exhibition Centre from 4th to 8th November. Conference sessions allowed little time to tour the attractions in Cairo and elsewhere in Egypt. But I found time to visit two local museums, this one being The Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt. I place my photos here to highlight my adventures. I was not disappointed about time limitations because on a previous trip to Egypt, I visited major attractions in various locations in the country during my two-week stay.

Black granite bust of Mentuemhat, Priest of Amun, Mayor of Thebes, and Counselor.
Ancient African history
—Prof. Martin Bernal (1937-2013)
According to the evidence we now have, humankind started in Africa. But the question raised by people who should know better is: “But what has Africa contributed to world progress? “ Let’s not forget scientists who agree that Africa was the birthplace of humans, and that for many centuries after that, Africa led the way in world progress. The prehistoric native of Egypt, both in the old and in the new Stone Ages, was an African, and the earliest settlers came from the South. The manners, customs, and religions of the ancient Egyptians suggest that their prehistoric ancestors originated in a region near Uganda and Punt, the biblical land in present-day Somalia; facts still being misappropriated by various scholars bent on maintaining a ‘White’ racial characterization.
The land of the Blacks was a vast territory covering 12,000,000 squire miles. Its northernmost point in what is now Tunisia to Cape Agulhas is 5,000 miles, and east to west is 4,600 miles. This area was once “The Land of the Blacks”. This was long before Asian, Greek, and Roman occupations; after which the term “Sudan” came to show the areas not yet taken from the Blacks, yet were coextensive with the Ethiopian empire. We encourage an unbiased research of ancient Greek scholars, through Herodotus, who with pride referred to completing their education in Ethiopia, her ‘oldest daughter’ being Egypt, the north-eastern region of ancient Ethiopia. The six cataracts of the Nile River were the predominant watermarks in the heartland of the Blacks whence African culture spread over the continent, but nowhere was it pronounced as in Egypt.
The prime significance of African history becomes manifest when acknowledged that the deliberate denial of African history arose from European expansion and invasion of Africa, which began in the middle of the fifteenth century; an attempt to justify conquest, domination, enslavement, and plunder of the continent based to a successful extent on the misunderstanding and misappropriation of Christianity. Of note is the fact that the civilization of Egypt, which outlasted any other known civilization, about 10,000 years, had reached its height and was in decline before Europe was born.