Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia
Art, design and culture of the Islamic world
Special Exhibition
The Arabesque
Arabesque Exhibition. The arabesque is characterised by intricate scrolls of bifurcating stylised leaves that embellished many objects that were produced within the Islamic world. It is one of the main Islamic decorative repertoire, which normally avoid the figurative imagery. The main principle is to symbolise the perception of Islamic belief, reflecting the oneness of God, eternity and the allure of the Gardens of Bliss in Paradise. Visitors will discover the origin and the regional variations of the arabesque, from the fundamental Persian Islimi and Arabian Tawriq to the glorious Rumi and Hatayi of the Ottoman Turkey. It will also highlight how arabesque inspired other parts of the world; from the West to as far as China and Southeast Asia. A selection of historical miniature paintings and the artworks of prominent Orientalist painters will provide the visual aid about the application and the appreciation of this perpetual art tradition. The chronological and thematic storyline of this exhibition will bring the visitors through the inception, evolution and the contemporary adaptations that reflects the essence of arabesque, which is harmony between rhythm, symmetry and intricacy. My visit: 4 Sep 2024.

Additions on Display
The layout and nature of The Arabesque display was not positioned in a way that allowed for a quality photographic rendering. Therefore, the below additions are presented for viewing.

Concern for the Gaza Holocaust
The current hostility between Palestinians and Israelis betrays the ardent memory of so many of their ancestors who died over eons while crying out for peace and justice.

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