Artistic Expression
Age of Transition
Mtazamo Museum
Mtazamo Museum Photographic Exhibitions is an ongoing series of exhibitions housed within its museum. Featured are poignant photographs that appeal to the need for a conscious reality of the oneness of humankind. Our desire is to encourage artistic expression in ways that manifest one’s will to photographically explore the implications of global justice in this age of humanity’s transition to a new era, one filled with new understandings.
Budapest, Hungary, 1983.
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Photographic Exhibitions
Contemporary Art
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Global Justice
“International relations theory (IR) has traditionally been overly concerned with global (dis)order. Global justice scholars have contributed to widening the scope of IR theory by shifting the focus to individuals, on a planetary scale, and thereby approaching problems of global cohabitation in a new way. Yet despite signs of progress in academia, states seem to be more focused on managing conflict, distrust and disorder than on reaching global agreements and treating one another fairly. For that reason, global justice as an issue has been under-represented in policy and global justice scholarship has not yet reached the same prominence as mainstream IR theories such as realism or liberalism. Nevertheless, in times of transnational terrorism, rising global inequalities, migration crises, pandemic disease and climate change – considerations of global cooperation, fairness and justice are more important than ever.”
—Alix Dietzel, Lecturer in Global Ethics, University of Bristol, United Kingdom.
Creative Space | Conceptualisation
Open Continuously
Conceptualizing is the process that sets the tone for the entire photo-undertaking. Once a concept has been established, plans and details help ensure the final product achieves expected results.
Inspired by the Future
Open Continuously
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Patterns and Styles
Open Continuously
New phenomena resulting from the challenges encountered by rebuilding human personalities, societal patterns and norms that reflect the pernicious nature of marketing strategies.
Sculpture: Bahrain International Airport (7 Mar 2023)
Tower: Penang Island, Malaysia (22 Sep 2022)
Lamp: Islamic Museum of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (11 Jan 2022)
Ongoing Exhibits
(Page Under Construction)
Budapest & the Hungarian Countryside, 1983
“We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.” – Anaïs Nin
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Spirituality: Core
Human Operative
Our actions that reflect the nobility and integrity endowed by every human being.
Featured Exhibits
Orientalist Paintings
Reclaiming the heritage that reveals much about the Islamic past.
African Antiquity (Egypt)
The prime significance of African history becomes manifest when acknowledged.
Malesuada Posuere Nulla
Eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.
Visionary Portfolios
Abstract Encounters
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab
Feugiat Aliquet Dui
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab
Feugiat Aliquet Dui
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque