View of Lions Head. Hiking the Kasteelspoort Trail above Camps Bay, Western Cape, South Africa (2010)>
Forward-thinking to plan and mitigate humanity's problems.
The expression of “global justice” marks an important shift in the structure of moral discourse.
We watch humanity caught in a vortex of abnormalities that were avoidable. Because of its inability to resolve age-old problems, some dating back to the 15th Century and others more current, humanity remains ill prepared to guide a developing global community and manage its attendant ethos. There needs be a radical change in human psychology to effect a departure from systems of exploitation that continue to wreak havoc on human populations.
A unique challenge for which there is no precedence

Our goal is to help organize ever-expanding cadres of dedicated service minded individuals who aspire to achieve moral leadership objectives. We encourage aspirants to give of their time and abilities to plan ways to meet these challenging requirements and make opportunities to move this process forward.

The key to this strategy lies in developing self-leadership skills as a first step toward acquiring moral authority and readying it for deployment. Moral authority enhances leadership performance, the ability to show integrity and garner public support by setting personal example. It inspires faith and confidence as it undertakes sacrificial endeavours to spearhead positive directional change in human affairs.