We watch humanity caught in a vortex of abnormalities that were avoidable. Because of its inability to resolve age-old problems, some dating back to the 15th Century and others more current, humanity remains ill prepared to guide a developing global…

Global Justice
View of Lions Head. Hiking the Kasteelspoort Trail above Camps Bay, Western Cape, South Africa (2010)>
Forward-thinking to plan and mitigate humanity's problems.
The expression of “global justice” marks an important shift in the structure of moral discourse.
We watch humanity caught in a vortex of abnormalities that were avoidable. Because of its inability to resolve age-old problems, some dating back to the 15th Century and others more current, humanity remains ill prepared to guide a developing global community and manage its attendant ethos. There needs be a radical change in human psychology to effect a departure from systems of exploitation that continue to wreak havoc on human populations.
A unique challenge for which there is no precedence