Penang Street Art
On Penang Island, particularly within the UNESCO designated area of George Town, you can witness to the marvel of street art. The island has a rich history of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and European cultural influences displayed in this art-form. It is this diversity that makes the island a fascinating place to visit. You will find a few websites dedicated to describing the street art in Penang, some by individual tourists and others by agents for commerical tourism.
I am neither a tourist nor agent, but a long-time resident on the island since 2003 through the Malaysia My Second Home Program. In 2011 I became interested in exploring the street art in the historic district of George Town and also extended that to include local community environments . My idea was to capture the images photographically before they faded due to time and weather conditions, were painted over, or fell victim to new housing developments. I’ve placed a few here for your viewing pleasure.
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